How do we protect your data?


DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION, S.L. has adopted physical, technical and organisational measures designed to allow only authorised personnel access to personal data, thus protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all data processed by us.

We only ask you to provide such data as is strictly necessary for us to fulfil the purpose of the data processing.

The user is responsible for the veracity of the personal details they supply to DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION, S.L., and for communicating any changes to said details.


Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, you are informed that the Data Controller responsible for your data is DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION, S.L., with registered business address at C/ València, 284, 08007 Barcelona.


Your data will be processed for one or several of the following purposes:

  1. MANAGING AN ESTIMATE OR AN INDIVIDUAL BOOKING: When you request a price estimate in relation to celebrating an event or booking a room in one of our hotels, apartments or aparthotels – as an individual – using the online forms “Offers” or “Request an estimate”, your data will be processed for the purpose of providing you with the information you need to formalise your booking or request, as well as managing the commercial/contractual relationship and the payment collection and accounting processes for the services you contract.
  2. MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS WITH AGENCIES AND COMPANIES: Should you wish to access professional rates and conditions (via the form “Agencies and Companies”) when booking accommodation or organising meetings and events, your data will be processed for the purpose of providing you with the information you need to enter into contracts for the desired services, as well as managing the commercial/contractual relationship and the payment collection and accounting processes for the services you contract, and/or payment of commissions and fees.
  3. PROVIDING INFORMATION, PARTICIPATING IN PROMOTIONAL EVENTS OR IN THE BLOG: Should you request specific or general information, whether or not on a regular basis, or wish to participate in a promotional event or in the blog, using one of the following forms – “Contact”, “Newsletter”, “Blog”, or “Private/Press Login Area” – your data will be processed to provide you with information, via electronic and other media, about any services offered by the DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION group (including the Egyptian Museum and the Clos Archaeological Foundation) which may be of interest to you, as well as enable you to participate in promotional events or in the blog.
  4. MANAGING YOUR APPLICATION FOR A JOB VACANCY: Should you wish to apply for a job vacancy within the DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION group (including the Egyptian Museum and the Clos Archaeological Foundation) and submit your CV via the form "Job Vacancies", your data will be processed as part of our management of the selection process.


Where there is a legal obligation to do so, your data may be communicated or transferred internationally to public administrations and authorities or other third parties, to any company or entity belonging to or collaborating with the DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION group (including the Egyptian Museum and the Clos Archaeological Foundation), and to other third parties when necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes specified.

Should you attend a promotional event, your personal image may be captured in a promotional photograph or video which is subsequently published on the web or communications media. We therefore require your express authorisation to use your image, free of charge and without temporal or geographical restrictions; without this authorisation, we are unable to guarantee your attendance at such events. 


  1. Where data is processed for the purpose of MANAGING AN ESTIMATE OR AN INDIVIDUAL BOOKING, the legal basis that renders lawful this processing, communications and any international data transfer is the contract or precontract to which you are a party; in addition to your express, informed consent, freely and clearly given upon accepting the present Privacy Policy and filling in the form, with respect to any other purpose not legitimised by the contract or precontract.
  2. Where data is processed for the purpose of MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS WITH AGENCIES AND COMPANIES, the legal basis that renders lawful this processing, communications and any international data transfer is the contract or precontract to which you are a party; in addition to your express, informed consent, freely and clearly given upon accepting the present Privacy Policy and filling in the form, with respect to any other purpose not legitimised by the contract or precontract.
  3. Where data is processed for the purpose of PROVIDING YOU WITH INFORMATION OR ENABLING YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN PROMOTIONAL EVENTS OR IN THE BLOG, the legal basis that renders lawful this processing, communications and any international data transfer is your express, informed consent, freely and clearly given upon accepting the present Privacy Policy and completing the corresponding form. When you apply to attend a promotional event, you also give your express, informed consent, freely and clearly given, to the possible use of your personal image, captured in a photograph or video, upon completing the corresponding form.
  4. Where data is processed for the purpose of MANAGING YOUR APPLICATION FOR A JOB VACANCY, the legal basis that renders lawful this processing, communications and any international data transfer is your express, informed consent, freely and clearly given upon accepting the present Privacy Policy, completing the corresponding form and supplying your CV.


If you do not supply all the details we ask for on a particular form, we may not be able to satisfy your request. In any case, profiles will not be created, nor will any individual decisions be taken automatically on the basis of your data.

In instances of data processing rendered lawful by your express consent, your data will be retained until you request their deletion or withdraw your consent, except where candidates have submitted their CV, in which case the information will be destroyed within a maximum of one year of completion of the selection process.

Where the legal basis is a contract or precontract, your data will be retained for as long as they are needed to maintain the validity of the contract, and for a period of up to five years after its expiry or for as long as is required by law.


You have the right to withdraw any consent you may have given with respect to the data we hold for you. You may also access, rectify, delete, oppose the processing of or request the portability of your data. To do so, you only need to send us a written, signed request, attaching a photocopy of any valid official document that confirms your identity (national ID document, passport) at the following address: PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS - DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION, S.L., C/ València, 284, 08007, Barcelona. Tel. +34 93 366 88 00. E-mail:

You also have the right to file a claim before a supervisory authority.

If you wish to exercise your rights through a representative, the request will need to be accompanied by your express authorisation and a copy of both your and your representative’s national identity document, passport or equivalent official document.


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